& PR 101
By Rod C.
Issue No. 005
– 22 July 2013
The Four Key Questions In Communication Planning (Part 4)
Welcome back again! This is now the fifth issue of
my new Blog Series on Basic Public Relations and Corporate Communication
lessons, tips and insights for Industry Professionals and interested
Non-Practitioners. Feel free to visit and re-visit the first to fourth issues (01,
04, 09 and 15 July) here on my Blog Site. Many thanks to the readers who have
sent feedback, either directly on this Blog or as comments on my social media
posts providing links to my Blog. I will endeavor to integrate or adopt your
various suggestions.
As started in our Issue No. 2, and to conclude in
this issue (Issue No. 5), we will discuss “The
Four Key Questions” that need to be asked and addressed in the preparation
of every Communication Plan, be it for PR, Advertising, Marketing, Corporate
Communication, Special Events or even for Crisis Communication. Again, these questions, which should serve as
the cornerstones of our Communication Research efforts even before an actual
Communication Plan is developed, are as follows:
1. Who is my audience?
2. What do I want my audience to do?
3. What perceptions guide their actions?
4. How can I change their actions?
For this issue, we will now briefly discuss the fourth
and final question: “How can I change
their actions?” In other words, “How
can I change behavior?” This stage requires a certain degree of
psychological analysis and reflection that entails:
Identifying interventions.
Identifying actions and decisions.
Canceling certain determinants.
How do we change
determinants to achieve the goal of behavior change? These are the
interventions that will be identified and used to affect or nullify certain
determinants and reinforce the message/s we want to present to our audience.
Thus, we finally come to the nitty-gritty of our campaign. This is where we identify specific actions
and decisions that will ultimately affect behavior. This is where we start
developing our Communication Plan.
The Basic
Different books and different companies/organizers
use varying formats in their Communication Plans (be these for PR, Marketing
Communication, Corporate Communication, Advertising or other efforts). Some of
these formats are more complicated or have much more steps than others. Regardless
of these differences, there is a universal structure that is consistently
present in almost all of the formats being used today. Originally introduced by
John Marston in his book “The Nature Of Public Relations” – and
echoed in “Public Relations: Strategies
& Tactics” by Dennis Wilcox – is
the easy-to-remember “R.A.C.E.” Acronym
or Formula.
As emphasized in previous posts, Communication, including
Public Relations, is a strategic process. As such, it is a series of deliberate
actions, changes or functions that bring about a desired result. Essentially, “R.A.C.E.” means that a Communication
activity consists of the following four key elements:
Research (or the Listening
Stage) – What
is the problem or situation?
Action (or Program
Planning) – What
is going to be done about it?
Communication (or
Execution) – How
will the audience/public be told?
Evaluation – Was the audience reached
and what was/were the effect/s?
While “R.A.C.E.”
is a handy acronym that has proven to be an effective mnemonic device, spelling
it out though makes for a rather weak battle cry for many PR/Communication
Professionals. I recall that some organizations/institutions preferred to
verbalize this as: “LISTEN, PLAN.
COMMUNICATE and EVALUATE… because the Public must know!” (Can you imagine
shouting “RESEARCH!” at a “rah-rah” or motivational gathering of communicators?
Doesn’t sound quite right, does it?)
Do continue to stay tuned for my next issue in a
few days’ time. We will delve a little more into the “R.A.C.E. Formula” and then take a look at what I call the “A.C.E. Principle” (or rather “A.A. – C.C. – E. Principle”) in Communication Planning. Again, I hope
these easy-to-remember topics prove to be useful for both my fellow PR/Communication
Professionals and our Clients/Bosses.
Some of our readers have requested for more
details, particularly actual case studies from my personal experience. Moving
forward, I will see what I can do vis-à-vis keeping these articles brief and
concise, even if it means breaking down topics over several posts. Please bear
in mind that an average of two of my weekly Blogs or posts represents items in the
outline or overview of topics that I would normally discuss during a typical three-hour
Saturday college class. In addition, I wish to be cautious with examples,
specially those involving former employers or principals. With everyone’s
indulgence, I will do what I can to weave my “safer” and more relevant personal
experiences and involvement, as appropriate and as needed.
Thank you once more for your interest and patronage. As always, may we all have a great and
productive week ahead!
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