Ever wonder why official studio photos for passports and other IDs, such as the one above, oftentimes look stiff and contrived? Perhaps they're designed to impress (or intimidate), some embassy consular officer, an immigration or customs officer at some foreign airport, or the HR Director of a company where you've sent your application. Well, how about those shots taken at instant and convenient "Photo-Me" booths? Now those are classic mug-shots! Despite the mirror inside those booths to help ensure we look our best, we still generally end-up perplexed, spaced-out or even distressed with an expression resembling a scowl - like we were just arrested and brought downtown. Maybe that's why some institutions don't accept Photo-Me pictures - they look like we just cut-out or omitted the name plate right under our chins. Let's instead use those booths for other purposes, such as changing into your superhero costume at hyper-speed. As for those ID pics, it's time I took my loved ones' advice and used less facial muscles by smiling a bit more.
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